Our aim is to make the Festival an enjoyable experience. Once you've decided which class(es) you want to enter, and you've got your entry submitted on our playandperform website and on its way to us, all you need to do then is practise! Once we receive all of the entries, we collate them and sort them into classes. In 2023 we aim to be running our event at our usual venues in Greenmount. All entries must be made by via our online platform and they will be processed by our team from there.
Each class will have an adjudicator, who is a specialist in the instrument / music that you have chosen to perform. They will provide written, and verbal, feedback on your performance with handy hints and tips on where you can improve. We will do what we can to make sure that everyone feels part of the event, rest assured.
We will be relying on our team of stewards to ensure that the event takes place safely and provides the best experience possible for entrants and their supporters. If you have any questions at any time about how the event works, do please get in touch. If you would like to assist us as a steward on the day, do please also let us know. We'd be delighted to welcome you into our team.
If you click on the picture above, you can download our full, up-to-date syllabus for 2023. In this booklet you'll find all of the rules, class lists, information about our festival & other content to make the process of entering and performing at the Festival a seamless and enjoyable one. And you've always got the option to contact us if you have a query that you want to explore further with us - email on ramsmusicfest@gmail.com
Our Festival just couldn't happen every year if it wasn't for our fantastic team of volunteers. We need people to help in any way they wish, whether you're a tech whizz, or you would like to help with the Festival on the day - you name it we've got a role. If you'd like to get involved, contact us and we'll talk some more. We'd love to have you on board! Please email us at ramsmusicfest@gmail.com
Our Festival is designed to make the experience of performing an enjoyable one, from start to finish. We recognise that entrants come to our event for a variety of reasons - fun, extra practice for an upcoming examination, the experience of an independent adjudication, a chance to win a medal and/or a trophy. Whatever your motivation, we're very pleased to welcome you to our event and the more friends you can encourage to enter as well, the better for us!
For 2023 we are currently considering whether to run our Schools' Day virtually - you will be able to submit videos of your performances on our online entry system and then we will create a virtual event, providing you with the relevant access details and so on. If you have any questions just please get in contact via ramsmusicfest@gmail.com . Check back here, as well as keeping in contact with us on Twitter for further updates.